The Port of Bremerton Board of Commissioners have resumed in-person meetings but are maintaining the option for the public to participate remotely as well. The public is invited to view and/or participate in the hybrid meeting by attending in person or through one of the following options:
Watch via BKAT Live Stream
Click the link below to access the live stream of the meeting. Once on the page, click the white "play' triangle to the left of the video window to start the stream. Please be aware the live stream will only allow you to listen. It will not allow you to participate or speak.
Join the Meeting via Zoom
Click the link below to access the virtual Zoom meeting. If you access the meeting via your computer/laptop/tablet/smartphone (using the Zoom app on the phone), you can watch and listen through your device's speakers. Should you wish to speak during the Public Comments, please type Yes in the chat function during this meeting portion. We will unmute you and will be able to hear your question.
Call-in Zoom Meeting instructions:
Call in using the number (253) 215-8782. You will need to enter the Meeting ID (see below) and Password. If you would like to join the meeting via call-in, please email to receive the password for the meeting.
Meeting ID: 335 903 0010
The agenda for Commission regular business meetings is available to the public online at Agendas/Minutes on the Thursday afternoon before the Tuesday meeting. After approval, Commission meeting minutes are also available online under Agendas/Minutes.
Port Commission regular business meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 10 a.m. in the Bill Mahan Conference Room at the Port's Administration Offices in the terminal building at Bremerton National Airport.
Written comments will be accepted if you cannot attend a meeting but would still like an opportunity to comment. They can be emailed to the Clerk of the Board, Ginger Waye, at or mailed to the Port's administrative office, 8850 SW State Hwy 3, Bremerton, WA 98312. Your comments will be distributed to the Board of Commissioners and, if requested, will be read by the Clerk of the Board at the next Commission meeting.
All regular meetings of the Port of Bremerton Commissioners are recorded to allow all community members to learn more about the decisions made by the Port Commissioners. These videos are also regularly broadcast on Bremerton Kitsap Access Television (BKAT). Times vary for these broadcasts. Check your local listings for the most current meeting broadcast schedule.
Click on the meetings below to view the videos.
The purpose of the study session is to better inform the citizens of the Port district and other interested parties of Port activities and to provide a platform for the Port Commissioners and Port management staff to discuss Port issues. Study sessions are included in the regular business meeting agenda and are open to the public.
The Commission may recess to an Executive Session to discuss or receive briefings from staff regarding real estate, personnel matters, litigation, or other subjects as outlined in the Open Public Meetings Act (RCW 42.30).
The Port Commission may call special meetings. 24-hour notice is necessary to conduct a special meeting.